Free eBooks

I have written following ebooks which you can download for free.

Value & Reference types in C#:

In this short ebook, you would learn about Value & Reference types in C#. And about the common myths and the truths about them.

If you’re not sure about the correct output of the below program, you should read this ebook.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ValueRef
class Point
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Point P1 = new Point();
P1.X = 10;
P1.Y = 20;
Console.WriteLine(P1.X); // Whats gets printed here?
Console.WriteLine(P1.Y); // And here as well?
static void Method1(Point P)
P.X = 15;
P = null;

The correct answer is 15 & 20 will get printed on the screen. Read this book to find out why and what happens behind the scenes.

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Instructions for downloading the ebook from GumRoad:

1. Click “I want this” button
2. Enter you Name & Email address
3. Enter 0 in “Name a fair price” field and click “Get”

The 7 Most Popular Recipes of jQuery with ASP.Net Web Forms:

In this ebook, you’ll learn about the most frequently faced problems of ASP.Net Web Form developers when using jQuery.

Do you know how to prevent the multiple form submissions after ASP.Net Button is clicked using jQuery?

Or change GridView row color based on column value?

This ebook has answers to these questions. And much more.

These are not just code snippets. I’ve explained the concepts behind each of the recipe – with in-depth explanation.

[button type="flat" shape="square" size="large" href="" title="Download the 7 most popular recipes" target="blank"]Download the 7 most popular recipes of jQuery with ASP.Net Web Forms[/button]

Instructions for downloading the ebook from GumRoad:

1. Click “I want this” button
2. Enter you Name & Email address
3. Enter 0 in “Name a fair price” field and click “Get”

Thanks for your time.

If you’ve any feedback, you can drop me a mail at mugil [at]


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